VR Casino gives you the opportunity to visit a land-based casino from home. VR casino gives you a 360-degree view of totally interactive slots. VR tech allows you to spin reels and play slots just as you would in a real casino. But what virtual reality equipment do you need to make the magic happen? Facebook (now Meta) scrapped the Oculus Rift S in 2021 which waved goodbye to first-gen VR headsets.
Currently, there are a few different types of VR devices on the market that allow you to experience gaming in virtual reality. To help you see the wood through the trees we have split the best VR hardware on the planet right now into two categories: Mobile VR and Desktop VR.
The latter is winning the race and if you are just looking for the best VR headsets for desktops go to our article here. For those undecided read on to find out about Mobile VR and Desktop VR in detail.
What is Mobile VR?
As the name suggests Mobile virtual reality is defined by the portability factor. The first generation of mobile VR headsets often used a smartphone that you would put into the headset shell. The current generation mobile VR headsets use standalone hardware and mobile processors integrated into the headset itself which is a real step up.
Mobile VR in 2022 allows for a convenient but limited VR experience usually with more simplified graphics vs desktop VR. A major drawback of mobile VR is that most of the mobile VR headsets lack something called “positional tracking” This type of tracking tracks your head tilts and also your head position when moving. It is essential for a fully immersive experience and reducing the discomfort of the user. So if you can’t live without positional tracking functionality then opt for Desktop VR.
Which Mobile VR Headset?
The best mobile VR headsets you can buy in 2022 are:
There you have our top 3 VR mobile headset devices. The VRSlots team will regularly update this list as new mobile VR headsets launch.
What is Desktop VR?
Desktop VR AKA “Full VR” allows for a more immersive VR experience and includes features like positional tracking for the head and hands via controllers. A variety of desktop VR systems exist with some top-end devices featuring luxurious add-ons such as omnidirectional treadmills, full room trackers, gloves, interfaces for multiple different controllers etc.
However, perhaps the most defining feature of a desktop VR headset is the quality of the full-body immersion experience, giving you the best possible “presence” effect. This is driven by the power of the GPU and the CPU inside the desktop/laptop computer you connect to. Desktop VR is not as small and nimble as mobile devices but top desktop VR systems do pack powerful processors which render sheer brilliance when gaming online. It is worth bearing in mind that a decent VR compatible computer costs £2000.
Which Desktop VR Headset?
The best desktop VR headsets you can buy in 2022 are:
HTC VIVE Cosmos Elite VR Headset
Pimax Vision 5K Super VR Headset
There you have our top VR desktop headset devices. The VRSlots team will regularly update this list as new desktop VR headsets launch.
What VR headset is the best buy?
All VR hardware, including VR headsets, comes down to personal preference. What VR headset you choose will depend on your budget, gaming style and taste. But 2022 is a good time to invest in VR because more and more software for VR is in development and it is good to get in on the ground floor of Metaverse development.
What does the VR headset future look like?
According to new VR report from Juniper Research shipments of VR headsets will grow from 21 million currently to 54 million in 2023. That is huge growth of 160%. Google will remain the leading VR headset vendor in Mobile VR and Desktop VR based sectors with Google predicted to account for 27% of global shipments by 2023. Sony PlayStation VR, which is very popular among video gamers, is expected to drive the console-based VR segment - sales are forecast to exceed 9 million units.
Which VR headset is right for me in 2022 virtual reality land?
To fully immerse yourself into the world of VR casino and other VR games, a standalone headset is your best bet providing you’ve got a powerful PC.
The Oculus Quest 2 is top pick for 2022 on a multitude of VR review sites. PC gamers can use Oculus Quest 2 hardware with ease. The Oculus Quest 2 gets a 5 star review on Amazon UK. Like the Oculus Rift headset the Oculus Quest 2 comes with touch controllers, however, the Quest 2 differs from the Rift in that it connects to a PC in two ways via Oculus Link cable (or other high-quality USB-C cable) or wirelessly, using Air Link. Whilst the Rift offered a tethered gaming experience, which meant being wired to a PC was a must, you can connect an Oculus Quest 2 to a PC taking advantage of Air Link technology which unlocks a range of PC-only VR experiences and lets you use the power of your PC to deliver superb visuals.
The HTC Vive is an awesome VR headset for gaming that is worth a mention - although it is rather expensive to buy online versus Meta offerings. The flagship HTC headset comes with motion controllers and the same VR experience as the Oculus meaning you must be plugged into your PC.
The Oculus Rift + Touch Virtual Reality System or HTC Vive are all popular VR headsets in the UK with gamblers and gamers alike. It is a good idea to test both headsets and see what works for you the best before committing to one bit of kit.
To be future proof, VR slots focused and win real money in the virtual world we recommend buying a VR headset by Oculus (Meta), HTC or Google.
Want to read more? Check out our list of the best VR headsets for gaming in 2022 which will give you a better idea of what virtual reality products the industry has to offer.